~ and for good reason ~

by Lori Suzanne Holetz

We are living in an unprecedented galactic, universal space and time.  A tiny blue and green ball; profoundly alive, rich with bustling life in billions of forms, shapes and species, a spec in a profoundly vast void of black sparkling spacetime continuum; hurling, spinning out day and night, dark and light.  Be ready, we are moving…. fast! 

More events are happening in the solar system, more alignments.  Mathematically it all makes sense, at least to the Mayan’s calculations. All they had to do was calculate where certain bodies were, how fast they were moving over a period of time on their particular course, and then project out the future path.  Sound easy right?  Nope.  We have found ourselves, on our tiny spec of a planet, smack dab in the middle of the beginnings and endings of several astro cosmic cycles, we are at the crossroads and absolutely everything is being impacted by this vast shifting.

What does this mean? Many things, and life at large upon Earth is obviously having a challenging time making the necessary adjustments. It is a topsy-turvy ever shifting, imbalanced top spinning in a whacky-doodle fashion trying to get Her legs beneath Her steadied.  In a microcosm/macrocosm reflecting pattern, there is much we can do to help steady the world at large in our immediate surrounds.  Steady and hold, slow and easy is the way to take each day, making sure that we emulate love and kindness in all we do.  It is the new dominant vibration: hip, cool and groovy through and through.

What signals this? How do we know? It is science and both NASA and NOAA have taken notice. We are experiencing unprecedented, enormously impactful solar flares. And they disrupt things, so get ready.  Electronics fail, systems go down, and our fancy tech world as we know it takes a hit. The aurora borealis phenomenon is showing in the night skies more frequently and more southern than usual. The nature of their existence, a sign of atmospheric activity. Read more at NOAAs site:  swpc.noaa.gov

My dearest friend and partner in our watching of the cosmic times, Dr. Elaine Gavalas from NY, and I have discussed this for the past 30 years across the miles from coast to coast.  We agree, and have found much documentation scientific, religious, archeological, and otherwise that aligns with the prediction and subsequent happening of this grand dimensional shift.  With this shift comes the next step in evolution of us, as human beings.  We are “evolution in action”, hence the arrival of the Crystalline Children (Indigo Kids) I have also written about. http://emanjahs-onetribespirit.blogspot.com

Read more about Dr. Elaine Gavalas’ vast healing wisdom at https://elainegavalas.com

We are in an enormous transition, a new rebirthing of the human race, and hopefully a new way of being on Earth, (despite the current warring factions). What’s the best way to navigate life in these shifting, precarious vibes of our current momentary place and space as we fall through the portal of accelerated time, like sands in an hourglass? Ride the waves, don’t fight the current. Go with the flow and take it easy. If we can slow down our frenzied lives, live with each moment more fully and mindfully, we will create a collective vibe that will connect with like vibes in order to demand the evolutionary growth for collective enlightenment, thus a new Earth.  It’s not just a dream, and it can become real with our very thoughts and dreams for a better way for our Mother. 

So encourage daydreaming and dream your life and the life of the world into the blooming Garden of Eden it was intended to become.  It’s the perfect time, and springtime is rebirth.  What will you dream into bloom today, for a better way for all?

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