July 2023 Astrology with Faelan Shiva


Happy Summer!  I think?  It seems the weather is very fickle lately!  At any rate, it is the season to enjoy the Sun and the many activities that it brings with it.  May the Sun warm your skin, but not burn you. May the buzz of the bees warm your heart and pollinate your garden, but not sting you.  May smiles and laughter be the songs on the wind.


Our Full Moon at 11° Capricorn falls on July 3rd at 4:38am, which means a bright night for festivities on the 4th of July!  Capricorn asks us to commit to something important. Our New Moon falls on July 17 at 24° Cancer at 11:32am, asking us to find ways to care for ourselves and others. Nurture is the assignment. The Sun enters radiant and playful Leo 

on July 22 at 6:51pm. A time for us to express ourselves and to find joy when we can.


* July 10, 4:40am Mars enters Virgo – we find ourselves passionately troubleshooting, analyzing and organizing the area of life that holds Virgo in your birth chart. *July 10, 9:11pm Mercury enters Leo – what messages will we shout from rooftops?  Don’t be surprised if your usually quiet friends are somehow more extroverted and chatty.  If you are a Leo, don’t forget to listen! *July 22, 6:33pm Venus turns retrograde at 28° 36’ Leo – this can sometimes be an uncomfortable time for relationships, but the treasure is an honest review of how we nurture ourselves and others. What do we bring to the relationships we are in? *July 27 8:08 am Venus Retrograde conjunct Mercury at 28°11’ Leo – the lesson at hand becomes clear. New information is revealed. *July 28 2:31pm Mercury enters Virgo – An excellent time to take stock of what you have, what you want, what you want to let go of.  Plan, make lists, strategize, observe and learn.


As the summer heats up, spend time with your beloved water sources.  Nourish yourself with your feet in a cool stream, ocean tide or pool.  You may be in a serious mood with a loved one on the 4th of July, but on the 11th it is time to ask your community for a boon to support your long term goals. Full Moon: Has your relationship become too serious, or is it time to get serious?  Use your intuition to tell you which is which. New Moon: Ahhh….the beginning of a new cycle for you.  Who do you want to be? Plant the seeds that grow it.


Your dreams hold important messages for you.  Tend to your inner spiritual life, even while the warm, bright days entice you outside to play. You need both things.  You are still beaming with a little extra magnetic charm to get your way, but don’t let it go to your head.  Make room for the radiance of others as well as your own! Full Moon: This moon shines upon what you need to take more seriously.  Even Leos have responsibilities. New Moon: Something in your subconscious needs to be heard.  A new dream for your future.


1st-10th Lean in to intuition and synchronicities regarding your long term goals and who can help you meet them. Your community has an important message for you. On the 10th you get a sudden burst of adrenaline to claim your leadership skills, and on the 11th your dreams become animated and your spiritual life demands expression. Full Moon: Which of your crafts is asking to be taken to mastery?  Perhaps it’s time to commit your art to the next level? New Moon: What needs to be nourished in order to reach your long term goals?  What connections need tending too?


You find yourself a bit more outspoken than usual.  Good for you!  Speak up for yourself in the groups that matter most to you.  Sometimes stirring the pot is required to create true balance.  On the 22nd you find yourself feeling more introspective again.  Let it inform you, but don’t doubt yourself. Full Moon:  Your personal myth is illuminated.  You are asked to commit to making your family and/or home life something great.  Where do you need to put in the work? New Moon: What healing do you have to offer the world?  How can you nurture that?


Watch out for dark thoughts.  You may be more prone to them these days. What is the message they are actually trying to tell you?  Take advantage of the feeling of playfulness with friends and enjoying visibility.  On the 10th that energy will shift.  It is useful for you to see what needs to be adjusted or fixed in group dynamics, but watch out for being too judgmental or stinging others with abandon. Full Moon: Commit to learning something new.  Write a manifesto for accomplishing your goals. New Moon: Nurture a broader point of view. Expand your psychic education. Spend time near water.


Your sense of adventure and making great stories with others nourishes you.  Healthy routines may be easier for you to put into place during these months.  A supportive teacher is available, but so is a hedonistic binge. Choose wisely. Full Moon: What work is required for you to make smart financial choices?  This full moon illuminates the path ahead.New Moon: Allow yourself to not know.  Listen to the silence and see what messages appear, as if from another world.  Nurture your deepest wounds – love them, don’t ignore them.


How uncomfortable do you get when you can’t just plow ahead on your mission?  What happens when you are asked to get in touch with a compassionate feeling for other folks?  Right now there are a lot of questions, and they are needed.  Spend the time wondering and asking instead of knowing and doing. The answers are a resource for the future. Full Moon: Ah! The most comfortable night of your month perhaps.  Things make sense and you feel like yourself. Do you like what you see? New Moon: Your relationships require attention.  Soften yourself to the needs of others and the sweetness that lies therein.


Your resources to accomplish your lofty goals feel quite slippery. Your skills are under review, what needs adjusting? How can you add more compassion to how you use them?  Meanwhile you are finding new insights about your roots and about what nourishes your soul. Full Moon: Let go of control. Your dreams will show you where to invest your efforts. New Moon: Self care is critical.  This body of yours needs loving attention.


While it may feel there is a break in some of the recent obstacles you’ve experienced, your thoughts and imagination may feel heavier than usual.  Doubt and a little bit of nihilism may creep in, though these are not your usual experience of life.  Take a deep breath and rely on nature to be your teacher.  Spend time with plants, outside under the sun or moon, and watch the butterflies.  Don’t lose your wonder. Full Moon: Get serious about networking.  What communities or groups can support your long term goals?  Make a commitment. New moon: Spend time with water, write poetry, make art that heals you, perhaps a spa day and a play.  


The month starts off with romance, love affairs and a passion for self expression. Come July 10, you will find it’s time to start taking that passion into something more realistic and potentially long lasting if you are willing to do the work. The end of the month has the playfulness of love under review, how can you sustain it?  Does it nourish you?  Full Moon: Is it time to get serious about your feelings?  Long term potential is illuminated and shining on your work life. New Moon: An excellent time to find some quiet reflective time with family. 


You get a few more weeks of soaking up the quiet sensual time at home.  Beautify your space, cook amazing meals to share with family and loved ones, make love, reflect on what nourishes you to your roots.  All of these delights will be up for review come the 22nd.  What would you change, if anything? Full Moon: Commit to the work of expanding your horizons.  What are your learning goals? New Moon: Find the words to express your feelings.  Write a memoir, or confide in a friend or sibling.From the 1st-10th, rely on your intuition as your primary perception.  Find value in the inner truth that doesn’t always make sense. From the 11th onward, find a stage to tell your story. On the 26th/27th is time to reminisce with someone close to you.  You may find some surprising insights. Full Moon: Whatever you find out, know that you can handle it.  Use your intuition to guide you. New Moon: What secret healing powers do you possess?  Will you share them or shield them from the world?


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