September 2023 Astrology with Faelan Shiva

The seasons are shifting and Fall approaches.  Virgo season is the time to start organizing ourselves for longer nights and more time indoors.  Summer hasn’t quite let go yet, but we all know the cozy sweaters are coming. The main theme on the table for September are retrogrades.  By now, most folks are familiar with the popularized Mercury Retrograde, which happens often and is blamed for every mishap under the Sun.  What some don’t realize is that every planet goes retrograde, at different times for different lengths of time.  We’ve got 6 planets in retrograde this month.  Should we assume the worst?  Of course not.  But we should consider that things aren’t running the way we are used to, some energies feel like they are not moving forward, and the assignment is introspection rather than action.  Rest, reorganize, review what has worked and what hasn’t.  Action times will come again. 


Luminaries: Our New Moon at 21° Virgo lands on Sept 14th at 6:39pm (all times are in PT).  Mercury is also retrograde in Virgo, so this is very much about planning and strategy.  Virgo likes to look at all the parts of a system and see what works and what doesn’t.  So does Mercury Retrograde.  And the New Moon is about beginnings, so brainstorming, visioning and planning is more apropos than action. Our Full Moon at 6° Aries lands on Sept 29 at 2:57am.  This moon always adds some wild vigor to the collective mood, and this one is tied into the Lunar Nodes and Mars.  Things may get spicy as folks work out the balance of healing their own identities, advocating for themselves, and taking up space, while balancing equality and fair treatment of others. The Sun enters Libra on Sept 22 at 11:20pm, tipping the scales toward balance and illuminating the two sides of self and other.


Planetaries: A sigh of relief is felt on Sept 3 at 6:20pm when Venus goes direct at 12° Leo, but is immediately followed by:Jupiter goes retrograde for the rest of the year on Sept 4 at 7:11am at 15° Taurus in a tight harmonious aspect to Mercury retrograde.  Jupiter rules fortune and education.  Dangerous gambling for the rest of the year is ill advised. On Sept 6 at 4:05am, Mercury retrograde Cazimi (conjunct the Sun) at 13°Virgo.  What messages is Hermes collecting from The Source to bring back to us? Mercury goes direct at 8° Virgo on Sept 15 at 1:21pm, and we will imbue what we have learned into our sudden need to organize everything. Run with it. Things will heat up on Sept 24 as Mars in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries, both planets just 6° away from the Lunar Nodes.  Justice and equality, finding healing in our individuality and confidence in who we are, and letting that be a resource for balance in our relationships is the theme.



Your desire to start organizing life and schedules after the summer break may have a delay.  Do not let this turn into negative self talk.  You are amazing, but perhaps too hard on yourself.  So take the first week easy. More planning, less action. Spend Sept 5 and 6 in restful meditation, there is an important message coming through. On Sept 15 your energy flies straight ahead like an arrow with a mission.  You are unstoppable. New Moon: Recharge. Let yourself daydream about who you want to be, and how you are going to get there. Let the vision come. Tomorrow is action day. Full Moon: Some difficult things are illuminated.  Breathe and face them.  It’s time for healing.



As the month starts off you may feel that your usual diplomacy and grace is not working right, and that you are rougher around the edges than usual.  Your charm and grace will return on Sept 3rd to buffer some of that spicy energy you are feeling.  That spicy feeling is this month’s assignment.  Speak up!  Stand up for yourself!  Don’t agree just to be agreeable, rock the boat.  Justice is a worthy cause. New Moon: Listen to your dreams.  If you could be anything you wanted, what would it be?  It’s time for a vision – a vision about creating skills to create the future you want. Full Moon: It feels as if this full moon is challenging you personally, and the playing field is within your close partnerships.  Advocate for yourself.  Fight if you need to, in the spirit of resolving issues and rebuilding intimacy.  You need the practice of asserting yourself out loud, and this moon is shining a spotlight on you.



You are known for your sting, is it venom or is it medicine?  Where would the world be if there were not folks willing to penetrate and discover the truth of things?  To look at the dark underbelly of the world and call it by name?  We need you.  This month gives you two main options.  You can spin out in a weird power play with your family members or roommates, or you can use that sting for justice and the liberation of folks who need it.  There is a valiant fight that needs you. New Moon: What are your long term goals?  What is your vision for the future?  Who are the folks who can support you in getting there?  This is a brainstorming opportunity that can yield powerful results. Full Moon: Tonight the whole world seems a little wilder than usual.  Enjoy it.  Meanwhile, if there is a new habit you want to create, but have been a little intimidated, start it now.  Or…perhaps it’s time for you to make the leap from student to mentor.



Oof.  Time for a reset.  By the 4th it may seem that your arrow is stuck in its quiver.  You will not be able to rely so easily on your usual luck and optimism.  Do not gamble, trusting that it will all work out.  This too shall pass, but for the rest of this year you cannot operate as usual.  Your daily habits and health may be affected, or perhaps a disillusionment with your teachers and mentors.  Maybe they just seem unavailable.  This is not a doom scope!  But you usually walk through life with one more Ace card than everyone else, and now you don’t.  The Universe is asking you to consider and reflect on your good fortune, how you use it in your daily life, and what lineage you are bringing forth.  Risks to your health are ill advised.

New Moon: How do you show up to the world?  Are you being true to your mission?  How can you improve?

Full Moon: By all means go play and have fun.  Let off some steam. Be bold and brave, but not stupid.  Remember, no serious gambling for the rest of the year.



Apologies, Capricorn, but there are no major hurdles for you to overcome this month.  You may be chomping at the bit by now to climb a mountain, but you still find yourself in a bit of a boundaryless dreamscape.  I hope you are enjoying it, it is meant to be a rest and recharge so you can climb more mountains later.  The Mercury retrograde will likely be annoying for you and miscommunications and minor mishaps will be in the areas of college, education, and long distance travel.  Rest. Your mountains will come. New Moon: Ah, the beloved practicality of Virgo.  A good time for strategy and goal setting. (Action comes in November) Full Moon: Have your housemates lost their ever loving minds?  Best to find competitive fun to channel the high energy, lest head butting becomes the alternative.  Perhaps some spicy board games?  Wrestling?  Or if your housemate is your romantic partner, bedroom sports should do the trick.



Your whole mission in life is to keep humanity moving forward.  Evolution, advancement, the betterment of humankind.  So why the heck does it feel like everything is moving backwards?  Why do your best intentions seem thwarted?  It is time for you to go inward and reflect.  Do an inventory of your values, of your personal myth, of your inner landscape.  Is it up to date?  Does it need some revisioning?  Perhaps some of the systems you are trying to liberate into the next level need further attention in the breaking down and letting go stage.  But you don’t usually play by the rules, so you may defy this horoscope just by being you. New Moon: In order to accomplish your aims, what needs to die?  What is no longer serving your vision and needs shedding? Full Moon: Does your voice need to be heard?  Is there an injustice that needs to be called out?  Your words are spicy today, make sure you mean them.



Set as many responsibilities on auto as you can.  Your happy place is to go with the flow, but the flow is going to get even thicker on the 4th.  Set reminders now for important dates to keep, put your bills on autopay.  Do what you need to do to keep one foot functioning in the apparent world.  If anyone can coast through all these retrogrades with ease, it’s you, because you are content separating yourself from the apparent world anyway.  Dreamtime is just fine with you.  However, if you’ve got a body to read this with, you’ve got to tend to it and it’s requirements.  The first half of September may lead to miscommunications with your trusted partners, they may feel like you aren’t making much sense. Communications resolve on the 15th, but clean up may be required. New Moon: What works in your relationship?  What needs to be improved?  How can you contribute to making it better? Full Moon: Do something that scares you a little.  Not too risky!  Just something that you know you can do, but have been too intimidated or too shy. This is the boost your self-confidence needs.



There is much healing to be done for you over the next year and a half, but September holds a strong focus.  Who are you, and who do you want to be?  Perhaps you have wounds about being too much, too loud, too intense.  Perhaps you struggle to find true balance and peace in your relationships.  How do you confidently take up the space you need to take up WHILE holding grace and balance in your partnerships?  Passion and grace.  Wildly yourself and sensitive to others. You’ve got this. New Moon: Care for your health.  Tend to your responsibilities.  Look for ways you can improve and begin a new habit. Full Moon: Let off some steam.  Be a little wild if you’re feeling it.  Tonight is a break from the rest of this month’s work. 



Have you been feeling like a super quiet homebody content to be entertained by others?  The social rest was likely good for you.  Come Sept 3rd, it’s time to turn up the volume a bit.  Your turn to shine at home, or express your deepest inner world in some way.  Perhaps you feel like writing, singing, or painting your personal story, or maybe you play an epic game of charades with your kids.  New Moon: Practical Taurus, it’s time to take stock.  What do you want to create in this world?  How will you do it?  A better time for planning than action, but the vision is important. Full Moon: Your spirit needs tending to. Break up the routines for the day and take care of your soul.



Chaos at home?  Struggling to make sense or order out of your personal space?  Let it be.  For Gemini, chaos can be stimulating.  Find things in your home that are outdated or no longer work for you and purge them. Rework your spaces. Come Sept 15, things will start to make sense, and you will be ready to reorganize the things you’ve kept. New Moon: The perfect time to vision how to put things back together.  Make it fresh! Full Moon: Social time sounds like fun.  Go do something wild with friends.


Sept 4th brings a big disruption in your social network, and it may feel like your plans for the future are on hold.  Take extra time for self care.  It will all move forward again when the time is right. Sept 11 is a day for comfort, rest and art. The second half of the month asks you to do some delicate work with the balance between self care, and being the family nurturer you are hardwired to be (chosen or blood family).  Balance is the assignment.New Moon: Your ability to analyze information is on point, but your communications may be confused.  An excellent time to plan, especially for subjects of new study.

Full Moon: Assert yourself in public, claim the role you seek and know you are qualified for.



After your season of summer play, it’s time to take stock of your resources.  Plan for times ahead, but avoid signing any business contracts or making big purchases until the afternoon of Sept 15.  Meanwhile, your usual grace with audiences seems to be on the mend. The last week of the month gives you a boost in perceiving fairness and diplomacy.New Moon: What skills are you proud of?  What skills do you want to develop?  What do you need to go forward with that?

Full Moon: Go explore something entirely new.  Open your mind to a new experience.  Go on a road trip to somewhere you’ve never been.

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