By Marcey Klein BS, NC

Herbal teas and gargles can provide quick soothing, all-natural relief from throat pain and irritation, and can help get you back on your feet a lot quicker when you feel a challenge to your health.

The herbs Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm Bark are demulcents-soothing agents that protect mucous membranes and relieve irritation. They also combat inflammation. Stir a teaspoon each of powdered marshmallow and powdered elm bark into a cup of hot water with some licorice bark, or use Traditional Medicinal Throat Coat Tea-a great formula for the throat.

Sage is a nice aromatic herb that has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. It can help calm a raw red throat and heal bacterial infections like strep. Mix 2-4 fresh sage leaves (or a teaspoon of dried), a squeeze of lemon, and a teaspoon of honey in a cup of hot water. Steep for several minutes. There is also an effective throat spray that has sage by the company Herb Pharm.

Gargling with warm saltwater is an affordable, easy, and reliable way to loosen up and remove irritating mucus. It also helps wash away germs, bacteria, pollutants, and other immune agitators.  Dissolve ¼ to ½ teaspoon sea salt in 8 ounces of warm water. Gargle for about 30 seconds. Keep gargling until you’ve emptied the cup. Repeat 3-4 times a day until the symptoms go away.

Citrus fruit is also very good for thinning mucus and supporting your immune system. I like to juice half a lemon, add a few drops of oregano oil, a little maple syrup or honey and ginger juice. You can also include tangerines in the mix, which are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, and bioflavonoids.  Treat yourself to hot broth-based soups with lemon, onion, and greens to support your immune system and to stay hydrated. Avoid foods that are difficult to swallow and may irritate your throat like crackers, dry snacks, and crusty bread. Skip dairy, sugary foods, and gluten, as they increase mucus production in your throat.

Stop on by to Wild Roots Market in Felton if you have any questions on how to keep your immune system running optimally, and be well!

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