Spring is in full bloom! May is my favorite month of the year for the wild display of radiant flowers everywhere.  May their beauty restore our hearts and spirits.


This month starts off with Pluto going retrograde at 2° Aquarius.  This is an opportunity for integration as we adjust to so many changes in the world.  What have we learned? What new systems have we tried that worked and what didn’t?  If we are really going to make positive change as a collective, where do we need to adjust?


We also have Jupiter entering Gemini at the end of the month. New thoughts and ideas, developing abundance through technology, and not underestimating our powers of thinking and communication are some of the themes we might see over the next 2 years.



Our New Moon lands on May 7 at 8:21 pm PT in earthy Taurus. What are you planting in your garden (metaphorically or otherwise)? 


The Sun enters inquisitive Gemini on May 20 at 5:59am. Feed your curiosity and try new things.


On May 23 at  6:53am we have our Full Moon at 02° Sagittarius, an excellent night for renewing your sense of purpose and adventure!



May 2 transformative Pluto goes retrograde in forward thinking Aquarius

May 15 communicative Mercury enters sensual and practical Taurus

May 23 charming Venus enters experimental Gemini

May 25 Jovial Jupiter enters quick thinking Gemini


♈ Aries March 21-April 20

This month starts off with an extra boost of confidence and energy for you. There are still some sensitive subjects coming up for healing around your passionate ideas, your self-worth, your leadership skills and your ability to communicate about it, but there is a new vigor to fill your sails and you have absolutely got this. Be the leader you are meant to be.

New Moon: What resources (money, skills, confidence, tools) do you need to follow your passion? Speak it out loud tonight.

Full Moon: What is your quest? Take a chance on yourself and follow your purpose.


Taurus April 21-May 21

All the luck is in your corner this month.  There are still unsettling changes afoot, but ride the wave of change…it is working in your favor.  If there was ever a month to bet on yourself, your skills, your resources, your assets…this is the month. Embrace the discomfort, a new normal will come.

New Moon: Who do you want to be? If you could be anyone you wanted? Where do you want to be a leader?

Full Moon: Strategize an investment. Learn about something different that scares you because you don’t understand it.


Gemini May 22 – June 20

The first half of this month has you focusing on healing your community alliances.  Advocate for yourself, forgive yourself and others, and allow it to be true that sometimes you do want to belong. Bravely communicate your hopes and dreams with the folks who can help you get there. In the second half of May you sense opportunities, innovations and ideas just outside of your reach. Brainstorm, vision, dream, write it down. The time for manifestation is coming.

New Moon: Find physical ways to access the spiritual realms…dancing, drumming, singing, movement meditations. Build energy and use it to make a wish.

Full Moon: Celebrate Gemini season with a loving partner. Explore the bliss of self and other.


♋ Cancer June 21 – July 21

You are always the trickiest to write for.  Because the Moon rules your sign and circles the entire Zodiac every month. It merges with every planet in the sky every month!  For some time now all of the planets have been concentrated in certain areas of the sky. That means there are concentrated periods of time that the Moon is connecting to planet after planet in a row. I won’t cheat you with arbitrary stereotypes about Cancer. I track the whole sky by day for you and focus on the dates that are most potent.

May 3rd-8th is a concentrated journey. Through visions, dreams, and structures of belief and education into tricky fires of delicate wounds, healing, communication and bravery, particularly at work. Straight into grace, luck, plot twists, and adventure, giving opportunity to manifest your hopes and dreams. That is quite a hero’s journey for one week. May 18th asks you to integrate all you learned on this journey and let go of old habits and imbalances in family relationships. May 27 brings some shadow to the surface for healing.

New Moon: Your hopes and dreams have a chance to win the lottery of manifestation. Speak them aloud, and connect with the community, allies and friends who can help you make it real.

Full Moon: The focus is on your health routines, daily habits and responsibilities. Are you putting your daily energy into what you truly believe in? Do your habits feed your purpose? Celebrate your accomplishments in this area.


Leo July 22 – Aug 22

Your career is in the spotlight. Luck, opportunity, and change are the supporting actors. You may have a surprising change of title around mid-month. May 20th begins a new cycle asking you to lean into the support of your community to accomplish your long term goals.

New Moon: What physical resources do you need to boost your career forward? Ask for it.

Full Moon: Play, adventure, friends, creativity, a bit of romance…enjoy it!


♍ Virgo Aug 23 – Sept 22

Things have been pretty uncomfortable with all of those deep wounds coming up to be processed.  This month starts to bring some relief, and hopefully you’ve done the inner work to heal those wounds.  If there are any loose ends on this subject that need wrapping up, it is absolutely worth it.  Mid-May brings peace, grace, and restores hope and purpose. The end of the month brings some surprising new education opportunities.

New Moon: Faith and optimism are fertile territory to ask for what you need to fulfill your purpose.

Full Moon: Take your family on an adventure. Travel to visit relatives. Research and/or venerate your ancestors. Make sure your roots are nourishing your calling in the world.


Libra Sept 23 – Oct 22

Out of the fire and into the earth…last month focused so much on healing in relationships, this month invites you to explore the deep sensuality of intimacy.  Another theme might be learning to accept your body as is, and to find comfort in your imperfections.  That’s some deep psychological work for Libra.  May 16-19 is an excellent time for investments. Particularly the 18th.

New Moon: Reclaim your animal instinct. Allow yourself a night of the simplicity of being a mammal, even if it’s messy.

Full Moon: Explore the world around you. Allow your curiosity to inform your beliefs. 


Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 22

This month is an interesting paradox for you. On the one hand, there is an internal deep dive into your most personal psychology and your origin story. On the other, there is a vigor and passion in your physical body and routines. Your health may undergo a necessary healing process, and you may be asked to advocate for yourself when it comes to your commitments.

New Moon: What loving care do your closest relationships need? Where is the seed of comfort to be found between you and your partner?

Full Moon: Allow yourself to be adored and cherished. Celebrate your resources. Wear the outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks.


Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

There is a lot of support for you to get extremely skilled at something.  You generally love a certain amount of freedom in your life, and that is good and important.  But the pilots who learn to fly the planes, and the sailors who learn to navigate the seas…they had to get very good at what they do, and now they have the ability to travel the farthest distances on their own terms.  What do you want to be excellent at that supports your adventurous lifestyle?  That may also mean a fitness plan to support your body on the journey.

New Moon: It is never too late to commit to a new passion or adventure. Especially for you.

Full Moon: This moon is yours, take your favorite person on an epic adventure. Go on a quest that nourishes your soul.


Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

May 7th is an excellent day for you to initiate that creative project you’ve been scheming up.  Your hard work needs expression. May 13th is an excellent day for some romance and flirtation. All work and no play is boring. You might let off some steam by taking in a show, a concert, or an art museum. Tend to your inspiration. May 27th brings a fresh perspective and the 

information you need to get past a creative block.

New Moon: There is an extra dose of potential for you to make your artistic vision manifest. Is it a play? A song? A painting? A child?  What creation wants to come from you?

Full Moon: Take a meditative break from your hard work.  Spend the evening on philosophy or allowing far away thoug

hts to refuel your inspiration. A broader perspective comes from a previously hidden place.


Aquarius Jan. 21 – Feb 19

Things at home have gone through some big adjustments, is the dust starting to settle?  May 12 and 13 bring a renewed sense of optimism as if the lights got turned back on and comfort has come to visit.  Communication with family members (or roommates) feels grounded and stable on May 27th.  If there are any major upsets in the home that have come from the recent upheavals, May 13-28 is an excellent time for forgiveness, repairs, and grace.

New Moon: Where do you want your roots to grow? You may get the opportunity to make a fresh start in richer soil.

Full Moon: Social time, community, a party perhaps…celebrate with your network of friends and allies. Or perhaps a fundraiser gala to support your future vision.


Pisces Feb 20 – March 20

I imagine you may be in the midst of a magical initiation or spiritual awakening.  Make sure to ground yourself as best you can, so you can discover how to use this new awareness or gift.  For the next year, you are finishing up some lessons on how to really manifest as the person you are meant to be. These gifts will come into play on that quest.  May 25th

 your attention shifts dramatically to your home life, how will your ancestors feed into this unfolding journey?

New Moon: Meditate, vision, dream…allow the insights that come forward to show you how to materialize your vision.

Full Moon: Share your beliefs with the world. Travel abroad for work. Find a broader audience for your message. Share your purpose.


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