One Tribe Spirit

~ learning to exercise basic grounded equilibrium in this critical time of change

by Lori Suzanne Holetz

We are all feeling it….  It’s rather like the entire world is coming unraveled.  It is!  This unprecedented time has deep meaning and purpose for us to find and integrate into our daily lives.  The Corona virus, albeit deadly, is serving a critical role in our global evolution.  Is it any wonder that the word “corona” is defined in anatomy as “a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown” and “a circle of light seen around a luminous body”?  Is it any wonder that it is a time for us as humans to evolve into our upper chakras: the 6th in the middle of the forehead, the pineal gland denoting the opening of intuition and other mind powers; and the 7th at the top or crown of the head, denoting enlightenment and union with higher Spirit and the Oneness of the Universe?  It is time.  And as we come to this threshold of the Space Time Continuum we find ourselves at the crossroads of the beginnings and endings of several substantial cosmic, solar and evolutionary cycles.  In truth, it is a very amazing and auspicious time to be alive on the planet if we can stand in this point of view and be willing to shift our perspective.  It is right and appropriate that everyone be sent home to re-center and rebalance their lives around what is truly of basic importance; eliminating the neurotic, near manic needs we believe we have as life seems to hold us in its frantic grip.  

One major key to reestablishing and maintaining some modicum of equilibrium is creating balance in all things.  I clearly remember my mother telling me “too much milk is not good for you”.  It’s a simple enough analogy that too much or too little of anything good equals less than good results.  We as a global whole have come to believe “if a little is good, more is better” and we all too frequently swing the proverbial pendulum from one extreme to the other; neither extreme ever quite creating the balance necessary for a smooth flowing existence.   I also remember my daughter remarking not long ago that life just seemed completely out of whack.  It struck me that both she and I had spent over 20 years each studying ballet dancing…. and that every movement in the choreography of dance centered on balance.  We had spent a good majority of our lives working hard to create and maintain balance in every action and movement!  Now, all we have to do is shift our perspective and apply this principal to our everyday activities.  Balance in all things I reminded her, and myself as well.  It really is easy enough to do, but it does take mindfulness, awareness and most of all the true desire to steer one’s life into a manageable, less stressful state.

With this intention, as we approach the Earth’s second equinox in September, we see the balance of light and dark, the days and nights of equal length and time… it is the perfect place to start.  When we refocus our attention, with the primary goal of creating balance and learning when whatever we are doing is enough or not, balance will very quickly become a substantial cornerstone of the foundation of our life.  Life suddenly becomes easier to manage and shortly to follow the sense of spaciousness and extra time.  Take a step back; let Spirit “drive” to show you the way.  Life is a dance, one that we are not expected to do alone; it is a 50/50 contract, and with this realization comes a wonderful feeling we don’t have to do everything by ourselves, a tremendous sense of ease and lightness of being follows.  Let go of the need to manipulate and control, let Spirit lead, and you will see it will never steer you wrong, the journey of your life will be filled with a spaciousness of freedom and a manageable balance.  Pause, reassess and refocus on how you wish to shape your life for a more meaningful, balanced, and abundantly spacious existence.  Shifting seasons hold balance, so can you within!   Voilà, Relevé, en Pointe!


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