By Marcey Klein BS, NC

Face masks provide us with the extra tools that we need to protect our immune
systems from a potential invader. I have heard of a few cases of people who have
tested positive for COVID and then came in contact with hundreds of people (a
certain hairdresser and someone who had been flying, source UCSF News) but
since they and the people they came in contact with wore face masks, none of the
people tested positive. This is actually miraculous! We should be celebrating this
extra layer of protection that we can offer ourselves and others.
This virus can be found in people who are asymptomatic. Wha?! Yes, this is a
squirrelly virus that can take a few weeks to manifest in the host. And yet it is
extremely contagious. This virus has mutated so it has the best chance of
spreading among us, so it’s important that we cut it off at the pass.
Face masks can help us to get our businesses back up. If we all cooperate and do
our best to wear our masks, social distance, and wash our hands, we can bring our
case numbers down so that our businesses can reopen with specific guidelines. If
we keep complaining about face masks, and denying this whole thing, we are
actually perpetuating the very thing we’re upset about.
Face mask guidelines: If you are wearing your face mask for an extended period,
you’ll want to launder it every couple of days. So it’s important that you launder
your face mask and that you own several. If you are in a job where you need to
wear your face mask for hours, I have found it’s important to drink a lot of water
for hydration and energy. You also want to make time to take a break from your
face mask. I have also found that I need to take more time off work, either
working shorter hours or taking a day off here or there when possible, to help me
with my energy and mood.
Things you can do to improve your immune system: Make sure to continue to
supplement with your nutrients, vitamins C,D, selenium, and beta carotene or
vitamin A. All these help with immune system and mucus membrane health. You
can also still take your mushrooms for immune health, and herbal ingredients like

astragalus extract, elderberry, and olive leaf or oregano. Fermented foods and
probiotics help with digestive health.
Remember when you feel awkward or fashion compromised wearing a mask that
our doctors and nurses have been wearing masks for their own and our
protection with success for many years. Down the road when we all look back on
this difficult time, we want to be able to say that we met this challenge with
knowledge and faith in a positive outcome, not in a scattered, unfocused and
uneven approach. As always, Be Well.

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