By Marcey Klein BS, NC   Someone can have their nutrition dialed in, their supplementation program above board, their workout and body care regime scheduled in regularly, but can be sabotaging it all with a negative thought life. “What’s that got to do with it!” you may exclaim, well,Read More →

By Marcey Klein BS, CNC   Give your body a natural defense system to optimize your cellular and intracellular health. Now is the time to start; our bodies can detect and immobilize cancer cells given the right tools and environment. So without further ado, here are the top 10 cancerRead More →

by Marcey Klein BS, NC If there’s one thing that I have found to be very essential for healing, it’s the ability to be able to adapt to life: to make the best of the very things going on around you, whether you think it’s good or not. It’s theRead More →