March 2024 Astrology with Faelan Shiva

Along with the fresh green of the March landscape, we find ourselves in a time of vision and dream.  Our attention goes to forging new ways ahead while balancing power in relationships. Our energy and thoughts are in a dreaming and visioning space planting seeds for the future, sandwiched between idealism and reality.  Come Spring Equinox it will be time for action! With big surprises coming this month and next, be clear on the future you wish to create, so you don’t feel like those choices were made for you this Spring.



Our New Moon at 20° Pisces lands at 1am on March 10 inviting us to reach into all the possibilities and grab the seed you want most.


Aries season and Spring Equinox arrive when the Sun enters Aries on March 19th at 8:07pm.


Our Full Moon lands on March 25 at the midnight hour (yes, 12am sharp!) at 5° Libra, encouraging us to enjoy beauty and balance.


(Hey! Did you know I post free New Moon and Full Moon Tarot spreads on my socials?  If you are into that kind of thing, find me on Facebook as Faelan Shiva or Instagram @FaelanShiva. Or better yet, join my email newsletter at



Communicative Mercury enters bold Aries on March 9th. Share your passionate ideas, but watch your verbal temper.

Graceful Venus enters compassionate and artistic Pisces on March 11. An excellent time for artistic and spiritual endeavors.

Assertive Mars enters peaceful Pisces on March 22.  Even warriors need rest. Watch out for passive aggression.


♈ Aries March 21-April 20

Your innovative ideas are getting a lot of traction, especially in your community.  Keep your eye on your long term goals through the 22nd.  March 9th challenges you to be creative with your resources in order to accomplish the vision.  You may have to think outside the box. By the 23rd it’s time to let go, rest, and see what comes of your work.

New Moon: Dream big.  This isn’t a night for action, it’s a night to let the vision rise up in you.  Look for signs and omens. Heed them.

Full Moon: Take your favorite person on a date, romantic or platonic.  Celebrate everything beautiful. Bask in the moonlight together.


Taurus April 21-May 21

Your work life and career are in the spotlight.  There is a pull to get very emotionally honest about your motivations and what you feel your true calling is.  How can you take action toward your goals?  You may be in a state of friction as you struggle between your own needs and the needs of the public.  Relief comes on March 11th as if a wave of tension has left your shoulders and your community supports you.

New Moon: An excellent night to watch a movie or visit an art museum with friends.  Share your deepest dreams of the future with your community.

Full Moon: Celebrate the creative routines you have. Add beauty to your health routines. Is it time to pick up that guitar again?


Gemini May 22 – June 20

The month starts off with a graceful flow at work. Your best career fantasies are within the realm of possibility and you are enjoying being a bit of a dreamer. On the 9th your thoughts turn to leadership and action. What will it take to make those dreams a reality and who can help you do it?  Be careful that you don’t scorch your community members with your enthusiasm. The 18th-22nd asks you to put your best foot forward. An opportunity for healing presents itself.

New Moon: It is important that you open to the idea that anything is possible and that some things are out of your control.  This paradox is a springboard to ask what you really want…what is your true calling in the world?

Full Moon: Get creative, play, enjoy the arts, and express yourself. Feeling a strange pull to get a little dark with your art? Roll with it.


♋ Cancer June 21 – July 21

You have a very concentrated week of time coming up. March 6-8 brings up a lot of shadow material to be healed.  Wounds around relationships, sex, and emotional detachment come to the surface.  March 9-10 brings peace and restores your optimism. March 11 asks you to stand up for yourself, especially in the area of reputation. March 13 brings a fortunate plot twist in your social circles.  The rest of the month is a chance to integrate the power week.

New Moon: Spend time reflecting on your beliefs and philosophies. Are you living in accord with them?  Focus on activities that restore your sense of faith.

Full Moon: Beautify your home. Use art as self-care. Don’t shy away from difficult conversations with your family. Diplomacy is key.


Leo July 22 – Aug 22

Most of this month asks you to focus on healing.  Shadow material will surface. Transformational work will ultimately bring peace. It may be uncomfortable, but there are parts of you asking for compassion and integration.  Come March 20th you will be feeling much more yourself.  Healing and integration are still a theme, but you are feeling empowered to claim your own system of beliefs that feel authentic to you.  

New Moon: Get quiet and ask yourself what part of you wants to come up for healing.  What wound is asking for love?

Full Moon: Write poetry, talk with friends, share stories. Tonight you have the diplomacy to face a difficult subject with your loved one.


♍ Virgo Aug 23 – Sept 22

March 1-9 is all about relationships.  Whether that is friendship, business partnership, or romance, the folks you trust the most are showing up for you. You don’t have to do everything yourself. No. You don’t.  Lean on your closest people. By the 10th your attention shifts focus to healing an old wound. The wound of “I am”. The wound of self worth, whether or not you are useful to other people. It is not time to try to fix yourself.  It is time to look in the mirror and say “I am worthy of love. I am worthy of existing. I am absolutely awesome.”

New Moon: Water the seeds of your closest relationships. Let compassion flow. From this space of love, what dreams do you want to bring forward?

Full Moon: Treat yourself. Take yourself out for dinner, or buy a cute dress.  Use your resources to nurture yourself.  Because the truth is, you are always serving others.


Libra Sept 23 – Oct 22


Your creative ideas have really been flowing. You are innovating new ways to express yourself artistically, and…maybe even in the bedroom.  At the same time, there are some truths that need facing, and it may feel easier to go emotionally cold than to face them. March 11th shifts your focus from zany and outside the box to, “actually, how can I make my personal box more comfortable?”  Bring compassion to your responsibilities and tend to your health care.

New Moon: Check in with your daily habits and healthcare routines.  Do they support the dream you are bringing forward?

Full Moon: Spend the day/evening doing your favorite things. Put yourself first today. Put energy into feeling cute, it will put an extra pep in your step. Art is an excellent choice.


Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 22

Most of March has tremendous focus on your home life, the family that raised you, and your ancestors.  Your roots determine your fruits. Are they in good soil?  Are they being nourished?  Do you need to compost something? Take caution that you don’t fixate on transformation and a psychological deep dive so much that you scorch the folks you live with.  Balance is key. On the 22nd it’s time to shift focus to artistic creativity and play.  Make art about your recent soul search.

New Moon: How can you bring more art, self-expression and play into your life?  Art can be therapy. Art can be a spiritual experience.

Full Moon: Take a mental health day. Get out of the house and away from your routines. Recharge with quiet time.


Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

Big changes are coming your way. BIG. They will fall in the realm of duties and responsibilities. In the realm of health care and daily routines.  And also in the realm of craftsmanship, mentorship, becoming a student or a teacher.  Why so vague? Because it involves sudden and unexpected change. I can only tell you what area of life it will likely fall in. But you are nothing if not an adventurer, and a wild card is on the way.  This event will play out over the next two months, but it’s time to keep your feelers out for wild opportunities.

New Moon: Dig deep into your personal myth. Who is the person you most want to be in life?  What would it look like to bring that forward? Finding a mentor to help you on your journey is supported.

Full Moon: Your future goals and visions are illuminated.  Find the limiting beliefs you have that keep you from achieving them. Burn them to the ground.


Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

Wow, there is a lot of support for you this month! It may feel slippery and a bit out of control, but the skies are supporting you.  If you can ride the combination of vision, inspiration and taking risks…the odds are in your favor.  This month and next bring opportunity, with focus on action in April.

New Moon: Allow yourself to dream. Things aren’t as solid as you prefer, but the dream will hold more weight soon. What if anything at all was possible?

Full Moon: There is a spotlight on you and folks are taking notice of what you are doing.  Use your charm and diplomacy. Get honest about your values, because you are wearing them on your sleeve.


Aquarius Jan. 21 – Feb 19

You are in the process of shedding skin and becoming even more authentically you.  Meanwhile, your relational skills are causing some friction, especially at home.  You may have a tendency to be emotionally cold or detached, but it isn’t doing you any favors.  Find a way to relate honestly with family members, which may be easier if you are taking enough alone time to recharge. The 26th-29th brings some grace and ease, and perhaps a dash of prosperity.

New Moon: Are your values in line with your home life?  Can your self-confidence be improved through compassion?

Full Moon: This night brings a sense of hope and optimism to the new You that is emerging. Remember what you believe in.


Pisces Feb 20 – March 20

This month brings so much focus on you. You are stepping into your power and rising to a sense of leadership. Believe in yourself, take a chance on yourself.  Know that some of your zanier ideas may be quite useful and bring in new opportunity. Open yourself up to learning new things. As as side note, you may need to tend to your mind and an underlying sense of agitation. You can dream, manifest your vision, and take care of your mental health all at the same time.

New Moon: Dream, little fish. Let go, surrender, meditate, feast on the beauty of nature…whatever is your favorite way of recharging.  Know that whatever you dream tonight has a very real chance of coming true.

Full Moon: The imbalance of power in relationship is illuminated, and some wounds may come up for healing.  Transformative practices such as art, shadow work, or counseling are encouraged.


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