Dropping Into the Arms of Our Mother ~ highway 9 connects us all ~

By Lori Suzanne Holetz

The other morning I drove a friend to SFO for departure to Thailand.  Heading out of the valley via Bear Creek Road, we left a bit past commute time, and the drive was easy.  On my way back home, I thought it would be lovely to drive Skyline 35 to Highway 9.  It was mid-morning and there were few if any cars on the road.  However, I had to switch cars back on BCR so that route would not be the best, or would it?  Thinking it most prudent to go back the way we had come, I put my address into google maps to check the fastest way out of the industrial airport area.  Mindlessly following the Maps voice guide, suddenly I found myself heading towards Woodside, far out of the way.  Initially, I was irritated by being guided off the known path, but the morning was gorgeous, the traffic non-existent, and the views and landscape stunning.  After all, I was in no hurry, so I settled down and accepted the “fastest route”.  A simple adjustment of the mind in the moment…. flexibility in action!

Undulating through the winding curves of Skyline and Highway 9, it was a gentle rolling, floating down, down into the San Lorenzo Valley, dropping down into the grand arms of the Mother’s great forest green.  The sun was dappling the roadway with light and shade, green and bright, a most beautiful sight stretching out before me.  I turned up the music a bit, Van Morrison serenading my drive perfectly.  It was a culmination of perfect moments; no stress, no rush, no phone, no demands, nothing but this picture perfect vision of our splendidly gorgeous valley to wind down through, breathe in, and delight my senses.  

I wish every driver would experience this, as it truly is nothing short of magical.  It is a state-of-mind, and I confess, it took me a minute to realize, sit back and enjoy.  I had to take myself, while driving, out of my head and into my surroundings.  To become one with the road, the sunshine, the gentle crisp breeze, and the music of the moment.  I was sad for the moment to end when I switched automobiles and ultimately arrived home.  My ride was over, but the peace my drive had given me lingered and was to remain. 

I was so struck by how lovely it had been.  Struck by how I constantly witness cars screaming up and down the highway, drivers mindlessly unaware, whizzing past the glory of the forest here, only to go faster.  There are far too many accidents and people simply need to slow down.  This place, this Valley of the Green is not only special, it is magical if one will only slow to see.  Many do, but most don’t.  We are all in this beauty together, never forget.  Respect, admiration and care all start with observation and observation begins with slowing down to stop and “smell the roses”.  My, but what we can experience when we are not rushing by it all.  It is Springtime and the blooms are decorating the vegetation so pretty.  And life can be so demanding and tedious as to overlook it all in the brief moments it is here for our delight.  

I let my drive be my guide and have continued to walk through this spring’s abundance with thoughts more mindful of the gifts Mother Earth is providing.  Often I find the greatest treasures in this slower pace; seed pods to replant, mushrooms to forage, herbs for medicines, birdsong accompanying my travels.  For it is true, in our blessed valley fair, we are being cradled in the arms of the Great Mother, and she will always provide, if we will just slow down, stop for a moment and breathe in the abundant blessings all around.  Everyday can be Mother’s Day, every day we can be nourished and soothed here in Mother’s arms…. it’s simply a state of mind.

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