January 2024 Astrology With Faelan Shiva

2024 Starts with a bang!  We have lucky and optimistic Jupiter fresh out of retrograde, followed by clever and informative Mercury ending retrograde on the 1st.  This should help us all feel like our plans and efforts are moving forward again, with vision and verve.

The flip side of that coin is the heavy and transformative Pluto crosses the cusp into Aquarius on Jan 20, and anytime Pluto changes sign, there is a wave of intensity across the globe. With global affairs already being on the heavy side, may Pluto bring us the better qualities of Aquarius – forward thinking humanitarianism and community connection, with a dash of quirky self-expression.


Our New moon  at 20° Capricorn falls on Jan 11 at 3:57am, asking us to plant the seeds of our next great work. What do we want to commit to?

The Sun enters free-thinking Aquarius with Pluto on its tail on Jan 20, 6:08am.  Sure to be an interesting day, I’d keep my eye on the news.

on Jan 25 at 9:53am we have a Full Moon at 5° Leo, bringing some light hearted relief to the skies. 


Brain powered Mercury goes direct on Jan 1 at 7:08pm at 22° Sagittarius.

Fiery Mars enters Capricorn on Jan 4 at 6:59am

On Jan 13 quick witted Mercury reenters Capricorn at 6:50pm.

On Jan 20 at 5:44am the Sun conjoins Pluto at 29°59’ Capricorn, and they jump into Aquarius together the same day.

On Jan 23 charming Venus enters hard working Capricorn at 12:51am, this can be a profitable union.

Unpredictable Uranus goes direct at 19° Taurus on Jan 26, 11:36pm, what will he have up his sleeve?

And finally, on Jan 27 at 6:46am, Mercury catches up to Mars at 17° Capricorn, and squares the nodes of the Moon.  Those nodes have been asking folks to reflect on how to grow in the dynamic of self and other, and I have a feeling Mars and Mercury will add some very brave vocals to that conversation. 


The month starts off with you bravely asserting yourself at work and pursuing your vision.  On the 4th through the rest of the month, your focus shifts to applying discipline to materialize your work in the world.  The 8th-13th offers extra support in the form of resources, skills, and confidence. The 21st-28th sharpens your mind for strategy.

New Moon: It’s all about work. Do some soul searching. Are you doing the work you feel most called to do in the world?  What is that work?

Full Moon: Let off some steam. Play, make some art, play some sports. There is a lot of intensity in the world at the moment, and play is medicine.


What is your sense of purpose?  What are the underlying motives for that purpose? You generally like to keep things simple, but the occasional psychological deep dive keeps things fresh and easier to maintain in the long run. Don’t ignore things until they blow up. Keep your arrow of belief pointing in the direction most meaningful to you.

New Moon: An excellent time to commit to school, or to broadening your skills in the art world. Dedicate yourself to your skills, especially if that means learning something new.  Travel is supported.

Full Moon: Take pride in your family and home.  Spend the evening playing board games, charades, or some form of relaxed play at home.


The first half of the month calls for adventures with besties and high passions with your significant other.  If you are out in the dating world, try not to break too many hearts.  On the 13th your focus gets much more serious, and you are drawn to create structure and perhaps even face your own mortality.  No one lives forever, what are you building with the time you’ve got? (No, this is not a death prediction, lol.  But we all have those moments when we realize that our time is limited. It ultimately gives our lives more meaning.)

New Moon: The intimacy and true vulnerability of a long lasting commitment is on the table.  Perhaps that is with a love interest, a counselor, writing your will, or even a risky investment.

Full Moon: Your voice wants to be heard.  Sing, write, talk with friends. Get your message out there.


Jan 8 renews your sense of love and purpose in your daily routines, and is an excellent time to spend communicating through art, and learning new skills. Jan 10 and 11 brings some confrontation with your closest partners, but honesty will lead to a deeper intimacy and trust (could get sexy!).  Jan 13-15 explores the beliefs handed down to you and your own intuition and deep feeling on the subject. What does your spirituality look like to you? Jan 18 and 19 challenges you not to underestimate yourself and to think outside the box for your future plans and goals. Jan 23-26 may feel heavy, and it may seem that everyone is prickling your emotions.  Breathe, and try to listen to the message at hand.  

New Moon: Renew your commitments with your closest partners, be that romantic, friend, or business.  

Full Moon: Build self-confidence through the vulnerability of play and self-expression.  Your glow is a valuable resource.


Deep winter is time for you to focus on your responsibilities, your daily routines, and your physical health.  In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is as far away from you as it can possibly get, but with the addition of a Sun/Pluto conjunction, you may truly feel as if you are in the Underworld.  Take the deep dive. Listen to the messages at hand. Do the inner work.  You can always make art out of it later. It is an introspective time with gold to be found.

New Moon: Commit to your physical self care, make that health care appointment for your check-up, or any health concerns that have your attention.

Full Moon: Be the life of the party.  Everyone is maxed out on darkness and we could all benefit from your glorious sunshine.  Fill up the room with your glow.


What are your core beliefs? In your innermost world, what is your purpose?  It may be interesting to look into what your ancestors believed in and fought for. Does it resonate with you? On Jan 13 your attention shifts from these questions into developing your artistic skills. You have a tremendous amount of discipline to develop your self expression available to you. And you are one of the few signs that understands that true joy can come from such commitment.

New Moon: Been thinking about getting back into writing, acting, painting, playing music?  The Universe is supporting you to start now.  Go for it.

Full Moon: The light is shining on your dream world and spiritual life. Listen to your intuition. Find a meditative state through art and nature.


Your diplomacy serves you well, but you know what we really want?  Tell us what you truly believe in. Tell us all about your purpose, hopes, and dreams…even if you’re scared.  If there is a part of you that has been called toward studying law or social services, now is an excellent time. Jan 13/14 brings some surprising news, don’t miss an opportunity.

New Moon: Fortify the bedrock of your inner world. Commitments with family may be an excellent way to do so, pets and chosen family included. Celebrate your bonds.

Full Moon: Spend the evening with your community, perhaps with games and storytelling. Share pride with your social network.


The gift of strategy is yours this month and Jan 9-13 brings some extra help from friends.  What are you creating in this world, and what are the steps to get there?  Your smarts and communication powers are boosted on Jan 22-24.  On a separate note, this month may feel like chaos on steroids for you, as Pluto makes his overwhelming debut back into Aquarius.  Changes at home are to be expected, and they may feel out of control, even if they are for the better.

New Moon: Strategize, plan, write a book.  Take your thoughts, ideas, and words, and turn them into something concrete.

Full Moon: The public spotlight is on you, there is no hiding.  Meet it on your terms, preferably with the radiance of a queen or king.


Rejoice my friends!  All the Aces are back in your deck, your back to normal good luck operations. On top of that you’ve got the Lady of Charm and Prosperity in your corner.  Things should start moving forward again.  That being said, we are on our way to a conjunction in April that is really going to stir things up for you. Those changes are going to start appearing soon, and in the realm of your health, daily routines, and your ability to become a true craftsperson of your skill.  Don’t underestimate yourself and embrace the change.

New Moon: Organize your resources. What is your strategy for making money? What skills do you need to support that? Make a plan!

Full Moon: This moon really showcases your regal constitution. You may find an audience hungry for your stories of travel, learning, philosophizing, adventures, and experience.  A far away trip brings joy.


An interesting month for sure.  The Sun is in your corner, bravery and communication are on your side.  You are fortified.  At the same time, you have been having your power plays questioned for some time now, and any misuse of that power has been highlighted.  You may even be questioning your own systems.  This spotlight intensifies until relief comes on the 20th.  Being vulnerable and honest about your own empire will ensure you can spend more time soaking up the benefits of your Sun season.

New Moon: A mirror, who are you and who do you want to be?  If you like what you see, reinforce it.  If you want to make changes, now is an excellent time.

Full Moon: The Leo moon brings time to play and express yourself. Your stage is the taboo things in life. Go shine in the darkness.


This month is going to be a doozy. There is a lot that is troubling your mind and maybe even disturbing your thoughts. Meditation and journaling can be very helpful, as well as grounding with time in nature.  There is a sudden shift of intensity as Aquarius season begins, with Pluto on the Sun’s tail.  How you see yourself is going through some major shifts. You may be called to or questioned in leadership.  Your resources and your home life are a welcome sanctuary, and some luck is on the way.

New Moon: Tend to your spiritual practice.  Make a commitment to your mental well being.

Full Moon: Find solace, relief, romance and a sense of play with your significant other or trusted friends (maybe not the romance part).  The key is to connect.


Your dreams have gone from an inner world to a more outer expression. Be the artist, poet, or spiritual guide you are meant to be. Let it out. You have an opportunity to make something wonderful and long lasting in the world, on the material plane.  Write, sing, dance, paint, act and share it out loud. Tell us all about it.  Something big is coming in the spring, make lots of art now to have something tangible to work with.  Perhaps it is more along the lines of a spiritual offering. Make an outline, record meditations, plan a class.
New Moon: Solidify your network. Commit to a connection with the folks who can support your goals and dreams.

Full Moon: Connect and play with the people and pets you see every day. Notice ways you can add some sunshine to your daily routines.

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