Nurturing Ourselves Naturally

By Marcey Klein BS, NC


Nurture with Nature.  Get outside and breathe in the aromatic scent after a rain. Bring flowers in your home to brighten your space. Hike, walk, or sit in nature whenever you can. I like to walk barefoot on the Earth to ground, which helps bring down inflammation and increase serotonin by giving my body negative ions and electrons. 

Use essential oils in your skin care products to calm, enhance immunity, and balance. Lavender oil is not only antimicrobial, but it’s also healing for the skin, and calming. Frankincense is good for our hearts, its anti-inflammatory, and its grounding. Rose also is therapeutic for the heart and is good for mature skin. Lemon balm is antiviral and enhances immunity. You can put a few drops in your bath with magnesium salts, and pamper yourself.

Eat wisely. Shop at local farmers’ markets or Wild Roots Market to ensure that what you eat reflects the season.  Eat lots of fresh greens and colorful fruit and vegetables to give you vitality from the antioxidants (plant phytochemicals.) During the change of seasons into cooler weather, it’s good to eat more root vegetables to nourish our digestive systems and to give us a grounding effect.  Citrus is great to support our immune systems, as well as mushrooms and spices.

Exercising on a regular basis helps to move lymph, to stay agile, and to help our bodies detoxify. Exercise is also great for our moods. It doesn’t have to be difficult. I like to do yoga in the sun, with some isometric movements that help build up the heat in my body. It also helps bring blood flow and increase circulation to the different areas in our bodies. Just kicking around a soccer ball is fun too, and increases our cardiovascular endurance.

Play, have fun, and live from the heart. Stop on in to Wild Roots Market in Felton to say hi, or if you have any questions, and be well!

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