The Importance of Regular Bodywork

By Marcey Klein BS, CNC

It’s easy to neglect ourselves for the sake of saving money, or if we feel like we don’t have the time, or if we feel like it’s just too much of an indulgence. But let me tell you, bodywork should absolutely be part of your healthcare regime. I fell into the trap of ignoring bodywork in my life and have paid dearly for it. Now I am working through chronic tightness in my back, misalignment of the vertebrae (known as subluxation), and shoulder and neck pain. But it’s never too late. I’m playing catch-up, but I am finally starting to reap the benefits of giving my body regular attention.

One type of work I am having done is regular chiropractic care. This is helping my back, neck, shoulders, and feet. I have had multiple subluxations in my spine which are now finally being addressed, and I have really noticed a difference in my energy and a decrease in pain. I have even had my clavicle and feet adjusted! There are lots of bones that can get out of place, and if the ones in our vertebrae go out of alignment, they can pinch the nerves that feed into our organs and if not corrected, can weaken those organs over time.

I am also getting regular massage, every other week for half an hour to break up the adhesions in my back and neck. This is an affordable way to go and it really helps over time. Yes, sometimes I think ‘oh I don’t deserve this,’ but when I get the massage, I realize how much I need it, and it reminds me that this is a necessary part of my care for a pain free life. We have to work at and invest in our health if we want to live a long productive life. There are many different types of massage, I think they’re all good, but I especially like pressure point release and myofascial massage.

Acupuncture is another incredible bodywork for health and longevity. Talk about getting to the root cause of a problem, this is exactly what Chinese medicine does. An acupuncturist can read several organ groups from listening to your pulse and looking at your tongue. They then insert very thin needles that correspond to the organs that need strengthening. It’s very relaxing, soothing, and healing. I go about every three weeks to get this done.

I hope this encourages you to explore the world of bodywork, it not only feels incredible, it is imperative for your health and longevity. Think of it as an investment for aging gracefully. Please stop into New Leaf, Boulder Creek if you have any questions or want any referrals for practitioners. Be well.

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