Mountain Mama’s Firewood Advice

As we approach the winter months, there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing that the woodpile we’ve carefully tended to over the year will soon be our trusted source of warmth. Properly storing firewood is not just a practicality; it’s an art, a skill that connects us with nature and the rhythms of the seasons.  Let’s explore some tips and tricks to ensure your woodpile is ready to keep you cozy all winter long.


Start Early, End Warm

The secret to a well-prepared woodpile is early action. Begin in spring or early summer, giving your wood ample time to dry and season. This curing process, which reduces moisture content, is what guarantees a clean, efficient burn. Hardwoods like oak, maple, madrone and hickory are excellent choices, offering more heat and a longer burn compared to softer woods.

Stacking Savvy

A well-stacked woodpile is not just visually pleasing; it’s practical too. Use sturdy supports like wooden pallets to keep the wood off the ground. This prevents moisture absorption and encourages proper airflow. Remember, good airflow is crucial for seasoning, so don’t stack the wood too tightly.

Covering and Sheltering

Whether it’s a purpose-built woodshed or a well-secured tarp, providing some protection from the elements is essential. Shielding your woodpile from rain and snow will preserve its quality and reduce the likelihood of mold or rot. Ensure that the sides are open to allow for ventilation while keeping the top covered.

Guarding Against Pests

Our woodpiles can sometimes become inviting homes for unwanted critters. Regular checks for insects, particularly termites, are crucial. Elevating the wood off the ground and keeping it well-maintained can deter pests.

Safety First

Using an efficient wood-burning stove or fireplace not only maximizes heat output but also reduces the amount of wood you’ll go through. Regular chimney cleaning prevents buildup and minimizes the risk of chimney fires. And don’t forget about safety gear; sturdy gloves and appropriate clothing are your best allies.

Prepare for the Long Haul

In the unpredictable world of homesteading, it’s wise to prepare for the unexpected. Aim to have more firewood than you anticipate needing. It’s better to have extra than to be caught short during an unexpectedly frigid spell.

As winter edges nearer, let’s take pride in our well-stocked woodpiles. Each log is a testament to our dedication to self-sufficiency and our harmonious dance with nature. And as we light that first fire, we’re reminded that our efforts have paid off.

Stay warm, stay safe, and may your hearth be a source of comfort and joy this winter.

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